What’s Your Pandemic Act of Defiance?

Carole Morris
5 min readMay 12, 2020

No one is 100% compliant

Image by David Zydd from Pixabay

We judge others by their actions, and ourselves by our intentions.

During this 2+-month’s long safer-at-home, we’re defying rules. With the best of intentions, we want our families, our friends, our neighbors and ourselves safe: the people we know. We’d like everyone to be spared the virus, if that’s possible. The former list, if not.

Our compassion and concerns have a limit. There is not, after all, any certainty as to what works to keep us safe. If, for example, masks were the holy grail of solutions, we could all put one on and open all the venues and businesses and be done with this. Masks work, apparently…sort of.

The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.

Albert Camus

Image by cromaconceptvisual from Pixabay

I am one who doesn’t wear a mask when I’m at my nearby park walking my dog. I can and do maintain social distance if I come across others. By the comments on the app, Nextdoor, I am one of the many selfish villains who is driving my neighbors insane. Although I’m not required to wear a mask outdoors here, some of…



Carole Morris

Living everyday like it’s Saturday: retired. I was born for this.